Elizabeth Scollan

Elizabeth Scollan stumbled into her first yoga class in 2006 in search of a way to deal with life-long anxiety. She left that first class in awe of the revolution that had happened from within.  

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Sarah Jane Dunaway
Sarah Cook

Sarah loves to teach a practice rooted in the clarity of strong alignment with plenty of room for spirit and play. She regularly incorporates asana variation, sacred geometry, pranayama, kriya, poetry, philosophy. One of her first teachers would always say, "Yoga will change your body, then your mind, then your heart."

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Sarah Jane Dunaway
Marcus Stanback

Marcus Stanback has been a dedicated student of yoga since 2016. Originally beginning yoga to relieve back pain, he saw benefits from the connection of breath to movement and mindfulness. As a former D1 athlete, he enjoys finding ways to use yoga to challenge students to build their awareness so he shares subtle aspects of yoga through intentional breathing and alignment based exploration of the postures.

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Sarah Jane Dunaway
Tami Jacobs

In her work as an artist, yoga teacher, and body worker it is Tami's intention to guide people to a new perspective. To encourage their bodies in the direction of joy and freedom. The result is magic.

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Sarah Jane Dunaway
Michelle Stafford

Michelle Stafford has been in the wellness industry for almost 20 years. What started out as a way to get her body back after giving birth to 3 sons, grew into a full blown lifestyle and career. At first, she thought of being healthy as having 6-pack abs, sculpted arms, and a toned booty. 

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Sarah Jane Dunaway
Lainie Smith

Lainie Smith is a Registered Yoga Teacher (RYT-200), honored by the National Yoga Alliance. In 2015, she traveled to Guatemala where she stayed for two months living at a Sattvic Ashram, studying classical Hatha yoga principles, class instruction, Hridaya meditation, and much more.

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Sarah Jane Dunaway
Alexander D'Agostino

Alex is an artist, dancer and body witch who has been teaching yoga in Baltimore for over 10 years. He started practicing in 2009 and was awestruck by the powerful and transformative nature of yoga Asana. Teaching from a place of love and passion, he hopes to inspire people to find the magic that comes the a disciplined  and playful approach to asana.

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Sarah Jane Dunaway